Gus Digital

Just a place where I can give my opinions about Vancouver life and beyond.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Today is Father's Day.

Though I can't be with my dad on this day, I'm hoping he will have a fantastic day! Don't eat too much and don't do too much today, just sit back and enjoy the day!!

To all other Dad's out there, hope you too have a great one!!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Junior @ Work

With Russ being in Puerto Vallarta for the next week, Junior is tagging with me to work.

He's actually been very well behaved I have to say. I have set up a wonderful rest/sleeping area underneath my desk with some of his favourite toys as well as some cookies for being such a good boy.

Everyone here is very happy to have in around and he's been getting along with most of them.

Now the only problem is that he won't leave my side. Everytime I get up, he follows me. This makes it very hard for someone to go to the bathroom. I must have a strong bladder to control it as much as I have ;)

It will be an interesting walk home as I know he usually likes to go for a walk when I arrive home, this might just be the walk he needs and he will fall right asleep.