Gus Digital

Just a place where I can give my opinions about Vancouver life and beyond.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Weird Mood

Have you ever woken up and felt great?

Well that is how I felt today. I was feeling great, good start to the day, brisk walk to work while listening to some tunes on the iPod. Even when I got to work I felt great after dealing with an issue from a client (nothing serious as they LOVE ME).

Then something happened. I don't know why or what could have caused this, but I started to feel BLAH. I even went for a walk after lunch on this gorgeous day to see if my mood would change. Slowly it is, but still overal feeling BLAH.

Maybe when I leave work it will all be better :)

Hmm a good workout and the fireworks tonight should help the mood. If not I'll have to start trying to find those "happy pills" my sister keeps talking about.


At 3:51 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...


sounds like fun Gus.
maybe you could pass some over my way... hehe.

so i hope the fireworks cheered you up.
they were pretty kool last night.
they had a lot of crackly ones.



At 4:23 p.m. , Blogger Gus said...

Alas I was in bed at 10pm. All I remember was the first "BOOM" and then my cell phone ringing in the morning.

I'll be missing the ones on Saturday night too.

At 11:21 a.m. , Blogger Gus said...

I did the volunteer work already last night. It was funny pretending to be a doorman :) I guess I have that look that everyone gets scared when they see me at the door in a club. :)


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