Gus Digital

Just a place where I can give my opinions about Vancouver life and beyond.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Paris - Day 12 and Trip Home

Well our last day in Paris was a fairly relaxing day. We walked around the Latin Quarter again and manage to stop in a few shops along the way. Nothing purchased.

We proceeded to the Louvre again and I was tempted to go in again to catch some of the other sites we didn't see, but alas I was worried Russ didn't want to go. Though on our return I found out he did and didn't want to ask me for the same reason as I didn't ask him. Oh well.

We walked in some shops along the way home as I was trying to find a nice casual blazer to purchase, but alas there was nothing in my size. I guess since most Parisians are small and tiny, they don't need really big clothes like they have back in North America :) Now let's see, an XXL shirt which I thought was nice was really a SMALL in my books. I couldn't buy a thing. OH well, this might be a reason to loose some weight. :D

We then went home and relaxed before one last big dinner out. The dinner was fantastic and headed home to pack for the trip back home. Russ had saved a bottle of champagne from the other day and we toasted our last night in Paris. It was actually fun.

The trip back home to Vancouver was long. Our flight from Paris to Toronto was delayed on the tar mat for about 1/2 hour as the airport was busy and we had to wait for our turn to leave. This started to worry me a little as we only had 2 hours in Toronto, and that would cut into my visit with my sister Gladys in Toronto. This made the 8 hour flight feel longer for me as I couldn't sleep and kept worrying about it. To my surprise the plane landed on time and we were able to have a short coffee with my sister and niece Amanda. It was great to see them as it has been over a year since we last saw each other. You begin to realize how much you miss your family when you are not in contact with them for a long period of time.

After our coffee we walked back through security and as we approached our gate, the plane has begun to be boarded. The trip from Toronto to Vancouver was more relaxing. I manage to sleep for abit. We landed in Vancouver on Thursday night to a typical Vancouver weather and finally got home. Ahhh HOME! It was great to sleep in our home again.


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